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embark dog dna test

Embark Dog DNA Test - Breed, Health, Traits, Ances

The Embark Dog DNA Test offers pet owners a comprehensive tool for understanding their dog's genetics, health risks, and breed background. Here’s a breakdown of its key features and benefits:Key Features: Actionable Health Insights:Tests for over 250 genetic health conditions.Provides insights that allow dog owners to tailor their care based on potential health risks.Helps facilitate early intervention and collaboration with veterinarians to create personalized care plans.Notably, 37% of dog owners reported changing how they care for their dogs after receiving test results. Most Accurate Breed Identification:Identifies over 350 dog breeds, including rare breeds like dingoes, coyotes, and wolves.Utilizes a research-grade genotyping platform developed in partnership with Cornell University of Veterinary Medicine.Offers the most accurate breed breakdown available, ensuring a detailed understanding of your dog's lineage ....... provided by ebay
embark dog dna test
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